Monday, January 10, 2011

Frothy Goodness


I don’t photograph everything I eat, like some people. But when I eat something I really adore or that really excites me, I try to get some pictures in case I feel like sharing them later. And guess what….

it’s later!

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the myriad of unshared photos of what I’ve been eating lately.

As you know, I invested (with a gift card) in a Bodum milk frother a few weeks ago. Since that time I have become a latte making machine! (Which is funny because I'm not using a latte making machine!)

I’ve been using our italian espresso maker to make some delicious espresso and heating milk on the stove top. It’s as easy as pour milk in mug, froth, and add espresso. And as you can tell…I’ve been getting my fix lately!


So foamy and warm and yummy. The frother was only $15, so it’s WAAAAY cheaper than buying a muy expensive espresso machine, and it pays for itself in Starbucks after 3 drinks! Win, win, win!

Have something you adore? Leave a comment below or email adoretoday at gmail dot com.

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